




1、等时传输方式(Isochronous) 该方式用来联接需要连续传输数据,且对数据的正确性要求不高而对时间极为敏感的外部设备,如麦克风、嗽叭以及电话等。等时传输方式以固定的传输速率,连续不断地在主机与USB


2、中断传输方式(Interrupt) 该方式传送的数据量很小,但这些数据需要及时处理,以达到实时效果,此方式主要用在键盘、鼠标以及操纵杆等设备上。

3、控制传输方式(Control) 该方式用来处理主机到USB设备的数据传输。包括设备控制指令、设备状态查询及确认命令。当USB设备收到这些数据和命令后,将依据先进先出的原则处理到达的数据。

4、批(Bulk)传输方式 该方式用来传输要求正确无误的数据。通常打印机、扫描仪和数字相机以这种方式与主机联接。



What is Isochronous (ISO) Transport?
USB is becoming more and more popular as a connectivity solution to provide high quality and reliable
solutions for conference rooms, control rooms, post-production facilities, industrial, and medical applications.
Unlike some other audio/video interfaces like HDMI, USB requires bi-directional communication and has
bounded latency, even for streaming video and audio.
USB further differentiates the method of communication within the USB data stream for different
applications, known as transaction types. The four types of communication or transactions are described in
the table below.

Control: Used for configuration, status messaging, and setup of devices;
Interrupt(INT): Typically used for non-periodic small device communication with guaranteed delivery ideal for: Touch controls, Keyboard and mouse, System notifications from sensors;
Bulk: Typically used for large amounts of burst data such as file transfer and data storage devices (i.e. flash drives, hard drives or disc drives);
ISO: Typically used in cameras and video devices for continuous periodic time sensitive information with guaranteed bandwidth ideal for video streams;

ISO is also special and unique from all other types of USB communication because:
Data is NOT retriable/guaranteed — data loss may occur but is acceptable,
Latency is bounded — data must be received within a very restrict time limit,
Does not require acknowledgement of receipt of data,
Traffic is guaranteed a certain percentage of all USB bandwidth — other devices connect to the USB, will not decrease the performance of an ISO device
The features in ISO specifically allow for USB communication with real time data like audio and video to be seamless and function without significant delay to be comparable in quality to other traditional AV interfaces.
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